1 thought on “What are the characteristics of currency ETF compared to other currency funds”

  1. Hello, the characteristics of currency ETF:
    1, low risk. Monetary funds are mainly invested in short -term currency instruments, such as government bonds, central bank bills, bank regular deposits, commercial bills, etc., and the risk of investment varieties is relatively low. The monetary fund contract usually does not guarantee the safety of the principal, but due to the nature of the investment variety of currency funds, the monetary fund rarely occurs in reality. Generally speaking, currency funds are regarded as cash equivalent.
    2, low cost. Fund companies exempt the purchase fee, purchase fee, and redemption fee of currency ETF; exchanges exempt trading fees for currency ETF; most securities firms are exempted from commissions for currency ETFs. Currency ETFs usually charge sales service fees, management fees and custody fees, with the rate of about 0.15%, 0.28%, and 0.08%, respectively.
    3, low threshold. The threshold for the purchase of currency ETF is low. At present, most of the minimum purchase share of Monetary ETFs is 1,100 yuan, and the minimum limit for buying in the secondary market is usually 10,000 yuan.
    4, strong liquidity. The liquidity of currency funds is basically equal to cash, the capital is short, the liquidity is high, and it has strong flexibility. The "T 0 Redemption and withdrawal business" of ordinary currency funds setting the current amount is not higher than 10,000 yuan, and the currency ETF can sell fund shares at any time in the secondary market to achieve "T 0" transactions. Therefore, when investors have investment opportunities in the securities market, they can timely realize the money ETF share to buy securities to avoid missing opportunities.
    5, high yield. Although the liquidity of currency funds is basically equivalent to cash, the benefits of currency funds are higher than the banking deposit of banks. And because of its fund share that can be traded in the secondary market, currency ETF makes its fund size more stable. Investors can sell realization when they need funds. Forced to sell assets, thereby impacting the fund's income and ensuring the stability of the income. At the same time, investors can also use currency ETFs to arbitrage in the price difference between the first and secondary markets to further enhance their income.

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