3 thoughts on “What should I do if the teddy dog ​​is rarely in 4 months?”

  1. How to do the amount of teddy hair, how to increase the amount of Teddy Mao

    It combed dog hair
    Ey knows that Teddy's hair needs to be taken care of. Even if the owner is very busy, you must ensure that you must ensure that you must guarantee Mao must be combed twice a day (once in the morning and evening). Most people think that Teddy will knot it if he does not comb with hair. In fact, it is just one aspect. It is often combed with Teddy, which can stimulate the growth of the hair follicles and appear hair.

    This to Teddy Mao
    Thi with too little teddy with too little amount of hair, if you have reached the age that can be pushed, so many times the hair will make Teddy grow more hair. Once once you The dog feels cold when the dog is pushed, and the body will grow more with more hairs. Pushing a few more times, the dog can make a perfect shape.

    The feeding egg yolk for teddy
    egg yolk is rich in phospholipid elements to beautify Teddy's hair. Not only can you increase the amount of hair of Teddy, but you can also eat more egg yolks. Teddy's hair will become very good, feel soft and bright.
    Note: Egg yolks cannot be eaten every day, and it is best to feed about three times a week.

    If the dog to take the hair food
    In addition to the egg yolk, there are many foods that are good for dogs. The decision, with the oyster yolk, can only help improve the hair quality. The effect of increasing hair is actually very average. Please do not superstitize advertisements.

    Puctant nutrition
    Peoth dogs do not eat well, very thin, so the amount of hair is also small. If you can increase nutrition, dog hair will become more. Teddy's hair volume is often inherited by parents. If the parents have a lot of hair and dense, the amount of puppy's hair will naturally not be worse. If the amount of hair is not enough, increase nutrition.

    The amount of hair of minor dogs has to be observed
    In the last editor to tell everyone by personal experience that the amount of puppy with a small number of puppies needs to be observed, such as Xiaobian The raised small teddy is only four and a half months old. Although the amount of hair is currently small, the clerk informed that the puppy has not been set, and it is recommended to observe whether the amount of hair is really small by six months.

  2. First, the dog's sudden amount of hair has a small amount of hair, which is likely to have skin diseases or infected with parasites. The skin of the dog's hair loss will be exposed, or there are dandruff, small rashes, etc. The owner needs to pay attention, because the parasites will be transmitted to humans, and it will be very large to the dog's health if it is left. Impact.

    . The changes in the seasons will also affect the amount of fur of the teddy dog. As the seasons change, dog hair becomes thinner or dense. Visually, Teddy hair volume changes will also be produced. In this case, if you want Teddy to four seasons, you can consider indoor feeding, or it can cool or keep it warm to keep it less hair loss.

    . As the Teddy dog ​​grows older, the amount of hair will gradually become less. Teddy's hair volume in his youth may be quite dense. When Teddy enters the old age, the amount of hair may also change, and it will become more and less. This is also a normal physical response. Like people, people start to grow old, and the color of their hair and beard will slowly slowly. Fall.

    . The problems of health and nutrition will also affect the hair volume of teddy dogs. Sickness and hair lack nutrition, and the body lacks protein, vitamins and other nutrients, so the amount of hair of Teddy dogs will be more scarce, and the texture of its hair will be more rough. Remember to improve your diet at this time. It is recommended to feed Teddy to fed the lecithin. Long -term consumption can promote the hair loss of the dog's hair.

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