What should I do if there are too many dogs and no rope in the community?

On September 26, a aunt took his pet dog out with his own pet dog. He only talked to others halfway, and the pet dogs were scratching everywhere. Seeing this, an uncle security guard picked up the net pocket and captured the pet dog directly.

2 thoughts on “What should I do if there are too many dogs and no rope in the community?”

  1. 1. Find a property complaint. The owner of this community can directly find the property complaint and ask them to supervise and manage; You can directly find a property complaint, ask them to register the dog raising in this community, and check the dog vaccine regularly, publicize the precautions for raising dogs and walking dogs, and promote the dog breeding owners. , Let the property negotiate and communicate, and deal with unlicensed dogs. 2 Calls of complaints, such as 110 (alarm), 12319 (urban management), 12369 (environmental report hotline), 12345 (mayor hotline), etc.

    The cannot handle the property and the community, and if the circumstances are bad, you can directly alarm, or make relevant complaint calls. One more will be called without acceptance.

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